Sedation Dentist Rogers

The Secret to a Smooth Dental Experience

Woman in white sweater sitting back and relaxing

Not everyone is a fan of visiting the dentist, and many patients suffer from dental-related anxiety – sometimes it’s so severe that they’d rather not receive dental care at all! However, sedation dentistry in Rogers can often help these patients get the treatment they need. It’s a surefire way to ensure that dental care is easy to perform and comfortable to sit through. To learn more about how our team can utilize sedation to make your next visit a smooth and positive experience, contact our team at our Rogers office today.

Why Choose Metro Park Dental Arts for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Numerous Safe Sedation Options Available
  • Cozy Dental Office with Patient-Friendly Amenities
  • Dental Insurance Accepted and Financing Available

Oral Conscious Sedation

Man about to take pill for sedation dentistry in Rogers

Oral conscious sedation is usually recommended for patients with moderate dental phobia, as well as those who can’t receive nitrous oxide or those undergoing certain procedures. You’ll be prescribed a small sedative pill that you’ll take right before your appointment so that by the time you’re seated in the treatment chair, you’ll be relaxed and ready for treatment. You’ll still be awake and responsive to verbal commands, but you will need a ride home after your appointment since it’s possible you’ll feel drowsy afterward.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Knobs on device for nitrous oxide sedation

You’ve probably heard nitrous oxide sedation referred to as “laughing gas,” but despite this nickname, it doesn’t actually cause patients to begin laughing hysterically. Rather, it puts patients in a euphoric state that makes treatment easier for all parties involved. It’s administered through a soft nasal mask with a mixture of oxygen, and the patient is closely monitored during their appointment. It’s perfect for patients who suffer from dental-related anxiety, as well as those undergoing mild procedures. Since it doesn’t have any lingering effects, most patients can resume their day following treatment.