Preventive Dentistry Rogers

Ensuring Your Smile is Always at Its Best

Dentist standing next to patient in dental chair

Even if you’re brushing and flossing daily, your smile still isn’t fully protected from the various threats out there – you might still end up with a cavity, gum disease, or another issue despite your excellent efforts. Fortunately, it’s quite easy to ensure that your whole smile is safeguarded; simply visit our team here at Metro Park Dental Arts twice a year for routine preventive dentistry! To learn more about these visits and how they’re an easy and surefire way to preserve your smile’s health, contact our Rogers office today!

Why Choose Metro Park Dental Arts for Preventive Dentistry?

  • Patient-Friendly Office with Comfortable, Modern Amenities
  • Dental Insurance Accepted and In-House Financing Available
  • Oral Cancer Screenings Included with Every Checkup

Dental Checkups & Cleanings

Patient having teeth cleaned for preventive dentistry in Rogers

Each checkup involves our hygiene team carefully inspecting your teeth and gums for any signs of concern, like cavities, decay, gum disease, etc. After we’ve ensured things are in great shape, we’ll thoroughly clean your teeth, remove any built-up plaque and tartar, and then polish them, leaving your smile dazzling! Every checkup also includes an oral cancer screening using our Velscope instrument. This allows us to closely inspect all of your oral structures for cancerous signs; though oral cancer is quite serious, it’s very treatable if caught in a timely manner!

Children’s Dentistry

Child having teeth examined by dentist

Dental health matters at every point in life – but especially during youth! By establishing good oral hygiene habits and pristine teeth and gums early on and during the teenage years, children can enter adulthood with radiantly healthy smiles that set them up for future wellness and success. During each checkup, our team will carefully inspect your child’s smile and look for any underlying issues that warrant treatment. This may involve taking X-rays for a more detailed look. We’ll also thoroughly clean their teeth of any built-up plaque and tartar and provide them with a fluoride treatment.

Fluoride Treatment

Little girl receiving fluoride treatment from dentist

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that carries inherently remarkable oral health benefits. For this reason, it’s often added to local water sources and certain foods. It can assist your teeth by helping to remineralize their enamel layer, or outermost surface. We can apply a special fluoride treatment to your teeth following a standard dental checkup; this process is quick, safe, affordable, and most importantly, guaranteed to promote improved oral health.

Dental Sealants

Illustration of teeth with dental sealants

Children are normally at a much higher risk of getting cavities on their back teeth since these molars have grooves and pits on their surfaces. Adult molars are similar, meaning that they’re also vulnerable to decay. Our team can place dental sealants on these teeth to provide them with a greater amount of protection! These sealants are made from materials that are completely safe and biocompatible, so rest assured, they won’t just look natural – they’ll serve you or your child well and promote oral wellness for several years moving forward.

Athletic Mouthguards/ Sportsguards

Football player with mouthguard dangling off helmet

If you’re an athlete, no matter your skill level, did you know that participating in sports can drastically increase your chances of experiencing a dental injury? All it takes is one foul ball, misplaced hand or elbow, or accidental trip and fall to harm or knock out a tooth. Luckily, these mishaps can often be prevented with the help of a custom-made athletic mouthguard from our office. These devices redistribute the force of the impact when the mouth is struck, lessening the chances of teeth sustaining harm.

Nightguards for Bruxism

Hand holding nightguard for bruxism

Bruxism is a condition that causes patients to grind their teeth or clench their jaws, often while they’re sleeping. This makes it a little challenging to diagnose and treat, but not impossible. If we’ve determined that your teeth are being worn down or your jaw joints are being strained due to bruxism, we can provide you with a custom-made nightguard to be worn over the teeth while you sleep. It will facilitate proper jaw position throughout the night and ensure that you aren’t unintentionally harming your smile!

TMJ Treatment

Man rubbing jaw joints due to jaw pain

Your TMJ, medically known as your temporomandibular joints, are perhaps the most important and complex joints in your entire body. They connect your mandible to the rest of your skull and grant your mouth a very impressive range of movement. However, these joints are susceptible to a variety of issues that can end up causing damage to your teeth and gums if left unaddressed. Our team can diagnose and treat various types of these TMJ issues using solutions like occlusal splints and equilibration/occlusal adjustments.