Dentures Rogers

Don’t Settle for Living with an Incomplete Smile

Full dentures in Rogers on reflective surface next to dental mirror

Countless generations of patients have benefitted from wearing dentures – this recognizable form of tooth replacement can vastly elevate the quality of life of those with missing teeth. They’re lifelike, customizable, and remarkably durable, and patients often enjoy some of the best years of their lives once they’ve restored their smiles with dentures. To learn more about the types of dentures we offer here in our Rogers office, feel free to contact us today; you don’t have to settle for living with an incomplete smile!

Why Choose Metro Park Dental Arts for Dentures?

  • Beautiful, Natural-Looking Materials Used
  • Numerous Types of Dentures Including Implant Dentures
  • Flexible Financing and In-House Savings Plan Available

How are Dentures Made?

Senior man looking up at dentist and smiling

To ensure a comfortable fit, dentures are custom-made in a dental laboratory from impressions taken of your mouth. While dentures take some getting used to and will never feel exactly the same as one’s home-grown teeth, today’s dentures are natural-looking and more comfortable than ever. Our dentist will help you choose the type of denture that’s best for your smile. Call our office to schedule an appointment and get dentures in Rogers!

Types of Dentures

Senior woman smiling at dentist holding denture

When considering teeth replacement alternatives, there are several types of dentures to consider. Traditional dentures are an economical way to replace missing teeth. They are placed in your mouth after any remaining teeth are removed and tissue has healed. Healing may take several months, during which time you are without teeth.

Premium dentures are made from high-quality materials that are impact and stain-resistant. They also fit well to the shape and size of the wearer’s mouth and can be adjusted to reflect the natural color of the oral cavity. Designed to mimic the gradual wear of natural tooth enamel, for less wear and tear, they are customized according to both the mouth and other defining elements of the face like cheekbones or jawlines.

An immediate full denture, also known as a temporary denture, is inserted right after the remaining teeth are removed. While immediate dentures offer the benefit of never having to be without your teeth, they must be revised several months after being inserted.

A removable alternative to bridges, partial dentures rest on a metal framework that attaches to your natural teeth. They help patients experience better chewing and speaking. They also prevent a patient’s remaining teeth from shifting.

Implant dentures are another option that we often recommend for patients missing all of their teeth. This solution combines the ingenuity of dental implants with the effectiveness of dentures. We can strategically place dental implants throughout your mouth that when fully integrated, can easily house a full set of dentures.

Living with Dentures

Smiling male dental patient holding a denture

Eating and speaking with dentures might take some practice, especially since a bulky and loose feeling is not uncommon as the muscles of your cheeks and tongue learn to hold your dentures in place. Over some time, your denture will need to be revised and adjusted due to normal wear; however, this is a quick and easy process with our help!

How to Take Care of Dentures

Gloved hands holding pair of full dentures

Caring for your dentures is a simple process. When handling your dentures, stand over a folded towel or basin of water before placing them in a denture cleanser-soaking solution or in plain water. Never use hot water, which can cause them to warp. Also, brush your dentures daily to remove food deposits and plaque and help prevent them from becoming stained. You also should brush your gums, tongue, and palate every morning with a soft-bristled brush before you insert your dentures. This stimulates circulation in your tissues and helps remove plaque.